SEKAI HIKARI INDONESIA is supported by strong management system with qualified and experienced staff. We have succeeded to gain number of partnerships in maritime industry.
Company details


SEKAI HIKARI INDONESIA was established on 24 July 2006 with an office and business address located at Jalan Lapangan Bekasi Tengah No. 34, Kelurahan Margahayu, Kecamatan Bekasi Timur, Kotamadya Bekasi 17113, West Java, Indonesia Phone: (+62 21) 8835 6980, Fax: (+62 21) 8835 6981, E-Mail:, Contact Person: Mr.Budiman +62 815 2200 959 / +62 813 8140 0889

In the course of its business operation, PT. SEKAI HIKARI INDONESIA has been relied to operate as a general marine supplier and service for both national and international trading companies.

The people who manage and run the affairs of the company are experts in this line of trading from crewing and manning to port services, ship supplies, ship brokerage, ship chartering, ship delivery, ship parts trading and other related ship transactions.

SEKAI HIKARI INDONESIA is supported by strong management system with qualified and experienced staff. We have succeeded to gain number of partnerships in maritime industry.


  2. Established and incorporated under the Indonesian Law through the Company Establishment Act (Business Act), No. 4 dated on 24 July 2006 amended by Mrs. Hj. Yostta Mardiyanti, SH who was registered as a notary public through the Notary Establishment Act, No. C-675.HT.03.01-Th. 2001 dated on 7 December 2001 amended by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Republic of Indonesia.
  3. Registered by Ministry of Industry and Trade, Republic of Indonesia, through Business Registration Certificate (TDP) No. 102617403874 dated on September 2011 until 2016 and licensed through Business and Trade License (SIUP) No. 510/742-BPPT/PK/X/2012 dated on 11 October 2012.
  4. Registered by Consortium of Indonesia Manning Agencies (C.I.M.A) No. 095/B/F/CIMA/I/2012
  5. Licensed by the Ministry of Manpower, Republic of Indonesia, through the Overseas Employment Administration License No. KEP/35/LATTAS/X/2012.
  6. Registered by National Board for Placement and Protection Indonesian Overseas Workers Reg. No. K017/PEN/II/2013 dated on 12 February 2013.
  7. Registered by Ministry of Tax, Republic of Indonesia, through Tax Registration (Identification) No. 02.580.857.7-407.000 dated on 28 August 2006.
  8. Registered by The Indonesian Seafarers Union Reg. No. C-25014HT.01.01.TH.2006 dated on 14 December 2011.
  9. The Company Domicile Certificate No.600/604/Kel.MGH/XI/2012 dated on November 2013 until November 2014.


Recognized as a world class manning and crewing agency in delivering high quality services with greatest commitments, integrities and professionalisms to Employers/Principals, Seafarers, Staffs and Company Stakeholders beyond expectations.


  1. Develop high quality management systems continuously;
  2. Develop and empower all company staffs and seafarers continuously to have greatest commitments, integrities and professionalisms imbued with high morals, principles and ethical values for day to day duties and responsibilities;
  3. Upgrade standard operation procedure continuously in the purpose of creating, developing and maintaining long term business relationship with the Employers/Principals.


The company will abide the guiding rules and standards being imposed in conformity with pertinent government rules and regulation, cognizant of the latest convention requirements of the International Maritime Organization.

It will provide valued Employers/Principals with excellent and professional services in the proper evaluation and selection of seafarer based on the following criteria:

  • Education
  • Training
  • Health – (Physically and Psychologically)
  • Personality – (Honest, Industrious, Trustworthy and Drug Free)


  1. Having strong belief and great ethos to deliver best services.
  2. Underpinning four key principles: Expertise, Experience, Quality and Innovation.
Website Address
Phone Number
(+62 21) 8835 6980
(+62 21) 8835 6981
Jalan Lapangan Bekasi Tengah No. 34, Kelurahan Margahayu, Kecamatan Bekasi Timur, Kotamadya Bekasi
ZIP Code