PT. Ship Management Indonesia is committed to operate and maintain all vessels under its management to the highest standard
Company details
PT. Ship Management Indonesia is committed to operate and maintain all vessels under its management to the highest standard of international practices and meeting the quality requirements of its clients by ensuring that its services meet the criteria as laid down in the SMI MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS). The company is also committed to maintain and continuously improve the SMS.
Dear Sir/Mdm
I’m Suhartin Hardi Engineer Class I Unlimited fom Indonesia is looking for job of Offshore vessel.
If there are chance for me of your company please guide me to will get more information.
Thanks & Regards.
Suhartin Hardi
Jenis kapal apakah yang di operasikan pak
slmt siang pak ada kah lowongan utk bosun atau fitter di kapal cargo atau container
Selamat pagi pak adakah lowongan untuk 3rd engineer