Headquartered in Odessa, Ukraine ShipStarLine Crewing Agency is licensed and certified by Government of Ukraine and Classification Society in accordance with ISO and MLC-2006 requirements. ----Working with a network of reliable Partners, which include both small and large companies, the Agency ensures competitive contracts for seafarers of various ranks on the one hand. --On the other hand, ShipStarLine as full service Agency solves all personnel related issues on a structural and long term basis by thoroughly screening candidates and finding the best match. --By carefully matching the proper highly qualified personnel with the correct job openings we assure that both our clients and employees enjoy their journey together.--FOR SEAMEN--Sailor employment--Registration of visa and flag documents--Information, consultation and juristic support--Providing various help to sailors, including juristic--Answers on individual contract provisions--Piracy and methods of protection--FOR SHIP OWNERS--Management of sea transport and crew--Transportation services--Supply with special clothes--Consulting services--Flag documents registration--Visa registration
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ShipStarLine Crewing Agency
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