Singa Ship Management Phils., Inc.

Singa Ship Management Phils., Inc.
For more than 20 years, Singa Ship deployed highly qual[…]
Company details

For more than 20 years, Singa Ship deployed highly qualified personnel to various shipping lines and has become a premier partner-of-choice by its principals. The company initially provided Filipino Deck/Engine crews and officers to Norwegian liners in 1987. As the leisure cruise industry expanded and grew in popularity, Singa Ship focused in providing cruise ship personnel in the early 1990s.----The Singa Crew----The company currently serves major cruise operators, namely, Cunard Cruise Line, Seabourn Cruise Line, SeaDream Yacht Club, ResidenSea and Seahawk North America.----The SingaShip Team--Highly skilled and experienced individuals form the core of Singa Ship’s management group whose primary task is to ensure that quality services are always delivered to clients. At the helm of Singa Ship is Ms. Eileen Leong, Chairman of the Board of Directors while day-to-day operations is managed by its President, Ms. Norma L. David. Both are well experienced business management professionals. Mr. Rene F. Aguirre, the company President since Singa started operations, retired effective January 2, 2012. The management team members are:----Eileen Leong, Chairman--Norma L. David, President--Rene N. Riel, SVP-Operations--Neil Alvin S. Hiteroza, Asst. Operations Manager--The company's hands-on maritime management expertise and available resources of the Singa Group clearly differentiates us from other "run of the mill" manpower recruitment service companies.----Because of the company's vigorous efforts towards the continuing upliftment of the skills and qualification standards of Filipino seafarers, Singa Ship received the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) Top Performer Award many times, and has already been elevated to the POEA Hall of Fame.----The international cruise industry continues to grow with more players coming to the field and the commissioning of better and bigger ships yearly. Thus, there is increased demand for higher quality service and cost efficient operations for cruise ship owners to remain competitive. This is a challenge that only professional service companies may answer effectively. Responding to this challenge is Singa Ship, a maritime services company with a solid organizational infrastructure, international network of resources, professional team and extensive experience in cruise ship manning and support.----Singa Ship is a multi-awarded ship manning agency duly registered with Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) and certified to ISO 9001:2000 Standard for its Quality Management System by ISOQAR Ltd. based in U.K. ISOQAR is a 3rd Party Certification body accredited by UKAS and ANAS. The Scope of Certification is Recruitment, In-House Training and Supply of Qualified Seafarers to the International Maritime Industry.----Singa Ship uses an effective recruitment system adapted to the specific requirements of its principals, which ensures that both efficiency and cost-effectiveness are achieved in the selection of seafarers. The company maintains a constantly updated manpower pool and an impressive databank of qualified candidates who have undergone an extensive evaluation process.----The company has a Training Partner, the Ship Hotel Cruise Institute of the Philippines (SHIP), which provides enhancement training for hotel personnel in order for them to deliver world-class service.----With a professional organization well experienced in maritime personnel recruitment and manpower development, Singa Ship is always ready and able to effectively carry out the service objectives and business goals of its clients.----The SingaShip Team--For the last 20 years, Singa Ship has prided itself in deploying only the best and most qualified Filipino staff to various cruise ships. The crewmembers for hotel, deck and engine departments are selected based on the Singa 7 Cs, our quality policy. A Singa crew is best described as follows:----Competent – one who knows what he is doing and does it well--Courteous – one who is polite and well mannered in all his dealings with people on board--Concerned – one who is concerned about the safety and well being of the passengers and the ship and cares enough about them to go that extra mile--Conscientious – one who acts according to his conscience, a person of principles and ethical values.--Cooperative – one who joins hands with other crewmembers in the common effort to provide utmost satisfaction in service--Communicative – one who is fairly conversant in English and is constantly trying to improve his language skills--Committed – one who is dedicated to his task and is ready to do his utmost so that he performs excellently as a matter of routine

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+63 (2) 892-8280
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21/F Banco De Oro Plaza 8737 Paseo De Roxas, Makati City