South Point

South Point
SouthPoint is involved with SHIP & CREW MANAGEMENT AGEN[…]
Company details

SouthPoint is involved with SHIP & CREW MANAGEMENT AGENCY in Malaysia managing off-shore vessels and recruiting qualified and experienced professional and skilled seafarers and other professional and skilled personnel related categories SouthPoint has excellent and extremely good relationships with Malaysian Marine Department and Training centres in Malaysia. Using our database, SouthPoint has supplied crews to Chemical/Product Tankers, Bulk Carriers, Container Ship and Offshore vessels. SouthPoint recruits and deploys Malaysian Seafarers and shipping crew for foreign and local based companies. We help ship Owners and managers to find real professional person with a good reputation, capable of working on any type of vessels or according to requirement. SouthPoint has a policy of undertaking reference checks, wherever possible, before introducing applicants to prospective employers.

Email 2 (optional)
Phone Number
+60 12 224 3919
Mobile Number
2-7A, The Landmark, Jalan Batu Nilam 16, Bandar Bukit Tinggi, 41200 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia