Star Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd

Star Shipping Agencies (S) Pte Ltd
Building its value on integrity and service excellence,[...]
Company details

Building its value on integrity and service excellence, our capabilities are supported by a team of well-trained operations staff, well positioned to attend every aspect of your vessel's needs. Star Shipping Agencies offers the full range of Port Agency services to Owners, Operators, Charterers, Ship Managers and Cargo Intererests.----Our services include:----Vessel Husbandry - crew changes, delivery of ship spares, etc.--Port Captains/Cargo Superintendents - for loading/discharging operations--Transits calls/Opl--Bunker calls--Port clearances--Dry dockings--Ships' supply services--Port Information----We provide 24 hour representation for operators of Bulk Carriers, Tankers, Liner vessels and other specilaised tonnage. We are pleased to assist you in all ways. Please CONTACT US!

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Phone Number
(65) 6317 2065; (65) 9764 3365
2 Bukit Merah Central #11-01 Singapore 159835