Stellmar LTD

Stellmar LTD
Company details

STELLMAR Ltd is a young dynamically developing company that has already established itself as a reliable partner for clients around the world.----We provide a wide range of services in marine business including Crewing Management, Technical Management, Marine Agent Services and Supplies for Owners and Managers worldwide.--Nowadays we cooperate with different Shipowners from UAE, Germany, Singapore, Poland, Norway and Russia.--Our Partners operate total fleet of more than 100 vessels of different types for both Merchant (RO-RO, Container vessels, Bulk carriers, etc) and Offshore fleet (AHT, AHTS, PSV, DSV, construction vessels, etc).--Our unique crew selection method allows us to provide Shipowners with highly qualified specialists both Officers and Ratings of all levels including well qualified specialists to operate and maintain any class DP systems.--We supply Seafarers with all necessary documents and formalities for travelling on board including:--- Visa support;--- Crew list issues;--- Guarantee letters;--- Tickets;--Our priorities are:--- Quality;--- Efficiency;--- Cost-saving;--We are always happy to help and consult Seafarers on everything concerning to marine licenses and documents, visas, etc.----STELLMAR team always tries to provide mutually beneficial relationship between Our Clients and Ukrainian marine specialists.

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Mobile Number
Russia, 99053, Sevastopol 33A/2 Vakulenchuka str., office 8