Tananger Offshore AS

Tananger Offshore AS
Tananger Offshore is a privately owned Norwegian compan[…]
Company details

Tananger Offshore is a privately owned Norwegian company operating support vessels engaged in offshore operations worldwide:----Seismic Support vessels & security platform--Guard vessels----The company was established in 1996.--Main office is located in Hafrsfjord, Norway.--The Company has also established an office in Singapore----Vessels have been operated under the flags of:----Marshall Islands--St. Vincent and the Grenadines----The vessels are certified to perform their operations by DNV, Lloyd's Register and ABS.----We have operated vessels for: Fugro Geoteam, Dolphin Geophysical, CGGVeritas, Statoil, TGS Nopec.----Our service is focused on supplying vessels and personnel for our customers' special requirements, and we are at full stretch to meet and exceed your expectations.----Tananger Offshore AS provides support vessels for offshore seismic jobs and stand-by vessels for offshore installations.----Our goal is to meet growing customers' demands for support vessels capable of fulfilling various tasks: refueling offshore, towing, carrying offshore personnel and, of course, guard duties.----Our Vessels all equipped with towing arrangement, bunker winches and streamer winches, and bunker capacity from 500- 1000m3.----Our onboard personnel have experience in operating on seismic sites all over the World: the Persian Gulf, India, South Korea, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Suez, the Mediterranean and the Black Sea, Europe, South America and the western coast of Africa.

Website Address
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Phone Number
+47 51 86 90 20
Mobile Number
Pb 906 Kvernevik Ring 177, 4048 Hafrsfjord, Norway