The Crew Network USA

The Crew Network USA
With offices positioned in key yachting hot spots, The […]
Company details

With offices positioned in key yachting hot spots, The Crew Network is ideally placed to assist you in finding the perfect yacht crew. Having offices in Fort Lauderdale, Antibes and Viareggio gives you access to the best quality crew at all times.----While some agencies charge crew members to register with their service, registration with The Crew Network is absolutely free and crew members are able to update their employment status at any time.----If you're looking for the perfect yacht crew, The Crew Network team skillfully manages personalities and talents to find the perfect fit. This is why choosing the right agency is so important. The right crew can be a determining factor in the smooth operation of your yacht and The Crew Network team is here to make it happen.--A Crew Agency Specializing In The Luxury Yacht Market----Focusing on the luxury yacht market, The Crew Network's team of specialists is well versed in the skills needed to operate a yacht at the highest levels of luxury. Each potential crew member is interviewed and their references are checked by our team. We confirm their interest in the position before placing them in front of the Captain or Owner. We strive to make the process as easy as possible for you.----Utilizing personal relationships, technology and global positioning, we provide qualified employees to yacht owners around the globe.

Phone Number
+ 1 954 467 9777
Mobile Number
1800 Southeast 10th Avenue Suite 404 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 USA