The Sinbad Navigation Company Ltd.

The Sinbad Navigation Company Ltd.
As an industry leader specialising in logistical suppor[…]
Company details

As an industry leader specialising in logistical support to the maritime sector, Sinbad Navigation have a comprehensive understanding of your requirements and indeed the level of flexibility and commercial confidence that your require from your logistical providers to guarantee a competitive service to you respective clients.----Unlike our competition, Sinbad Navigation owns and manages all its vessels so we are in a position to offer our clients unparalleled peace of mind with regards to no interruptions or risk in the running of their operations. This coupled with our high operational standards and superior level of admin support has allowed us to develop the business into what it is today.----Sinbad Navigation has been established and as a third party logistics provider represents many leading PMSC’s. In our continued pursuit for excellence we have tailored our service to the individual needs of our clients with customer service and delivery at the core of our culture.----Commercial confidentiality and data protection----Working as closely as we do with industry leading PMSC’s we understand that commercial confidentiality and data protection are two key subjects for security companies when vetting suppliers. Our market leadership is founded on the confidence between ourselves and the organisations that we provide logistical support to; this principle is underpinned by legal non- disclosure agreements and strict data protection clauses.----Competitive service----At Sinbad Navigation, we recognise the importance of remaining competitive in a market with increased competition and indeed how vital this is for the prosperity of the PMSC’s that we support. We also understand that competitive pricing should be achieved without compromising on service or quality.----Accreditation and compliance----Sinbad Navigation is a signatory to the International Code of Conduct (ICoC) and registered member the Security Association of the Maritime Industry (SAMI). In addition, we have been added to a number of PMSC’s Open General Trade Control Licence (OGTCL) Anti-Piracy issued the British Government’s Department for Business Innovation & Skills as an approved logistics provider.

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+971 - 44539600
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3606 HDS Business Centre, Cluster M JLT, Dubai UAE