Torlak Ship Management

Torlak Ship Management
Torlak ship management, had been established in tuzla i[…]
Company details

Torlak ship management, had been established in tuzla in 2008. It has expanded technical and commercial activites and handed over the vessels to own organisation in 2012. Management featured itself on shipping industri?es with knwoledge based on experience and the staffs has depth experiences.----Areas to be served are ship operations, documentation, technical support, human resources, chartering and accounting subjects and have sufficient experiences and skills to serve to the vessel under own management. Primary purpose, manage the vessels on seas of world healthy, safely, envoirement friendly and care to interest of customers witjout compromise on quality.----Today, the management is in a position proceeding on it’s own way due to purposes, by managing 3 chemical tankers and succesfully and being closely involved the decisions on shipping platforms.

Phone Number
+90 216 392 26 68
Mobile Number
Tersaneler Caddesi Guzin Sokak No.5/A Tuzla / 34940 – Istanbul / TURKIYE