TRIDENT Operations Ltd

TRIDENT Operations Ltd
Trident is partnered with Buckinghamshire New Universit[…]
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Trident is partnered with Buckinghamshire New University to offer task specific training to maritime security professionals and seafarer's. This improves team integration and enhances effective responses and recovery activities. Our consultants provide specialist maritime security advice and support to shipping companies, public organisations and private owners globally. Trident is also ISO 9001:2008 UKAS certified and a City & Guild's Approved Centre.----Trident Operations Ltd is a specialist maritime security training provider and consultancy firm.----Our consultants have provided training and consultancy advice to the extractive industry and shipping companies worldwide. We have also delivered Maritime Counter Terrorist advice to the UK Police in preparation for the Olympic Games.----Trident Operations acknowledges the significant cost benefits of applying effective crisis prevention and security strategies to clients operating within the maritime environment globally. We offer authoritative, cost effective and proven maritime security advice and physical protection services to the highest industry standards. Our trainers and advisors are drawn from the UK Special Boat Service and Royal Marine Commandos and have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience to provide effective and mission essential security advice and support to minimize impact on operations.----Our mission is to deliver competitive and effective maritime security capability and training solutions. The aim is to mitigate the risks associated with terrorist, activist or criminal activity that adversely affect the operational continuity of commercial and private shipping, supply and distribution chains and Offshore Oil & Gas resources globally. The desired effect is to reduce the cost of disruptive attacks from human adversaries, therefore enabling our clients to operate without fear and facilitate an increase in productivity and therefore profits.----Our consultants can assess vulnerabilities, recommend and impose appropriate and effective security control measures and provide security awareness training to emergency planning staff, maritime security professionals, Masters and crews.----Trident Operations consultants have served international shipping companies and the oil and gas industry. Our advisors have also supported Public Sector security agencies, by delivering Maritime Counter Terrorist advice to Police Operational Planning and Contingency teams in preparation for the Olympic Games. If required, client testimonials can be provided on request.

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+44 (0) 161 837 6220
3rd Floor, Delphian House, Riverside, New Bailey Street, Manchester. M3 5FS United Kingdom