Turkon Line UK

Turkon Line was founded in Istanbul in 1997 by the Kalk[…]
Company details

Turkon Line was founded in Istanbul in 1997 by the Kalkavan Group as the first privately owned container shipping company in Turkey. The company currently operates 13 owned, fully cellular, containerships, the majority of which are under five years old.----Turkon Line operates a trio of container services between Turkey, the Mediterranean and Northern Europe including one service calling directly in to Felixstowe on a weekly basis. These services are operated by four containerships each with a capacity of between 1850 – 1900 TEU. Turkon Line has recently been expanded to include calls at to/from Evyap (Izmit), Mersin, Ashdod, Haifa in Israel, Damietta (Egypt), Alexandria, Port Said (Egypt) & Beirut (Lebanon).----Turkon Line also operates a direct weekly service between Turkey, the Mediteranean and the US East Coast. Five owned and modern 1,150 TEU boxships operate in this long-established service. A loop between the East Mediterranean and Turkey completes the Turkon service profile. Four 1,150 TEU containerships operate in this bi-weekly service.----Around 95% of the container fleet is company owned and this comprises the majority of equipment types including pallet-wide units.----Turkon Line’s Felixstowe office was opened in July 2002, headed by our managing director Deniz Hara, our team are on hand to assist you with all your rate and operational requirements.

Website Address
Phone Number
01394 612920
Mobile Number
Turkon Line UK Ltd Unit 1 Suite 2b Orwell House Ferry Lane Felixstowe Suffolk IP11 3QL