Visionx World Pte ltd

Visionx World Pte ltd
A one of Professional and dedicated company which has e[...]
Company details

A one of Professional and dedicated company which has experiences in Manning services for Hospitality and Marine Industry for last Seven years Visionx world is a Singapore based International Marine Training ,Staffing & Recruitments, also Consultancy & Training Development Company specializing in both Human Resources area in General manning and Training services Industry which has network in several major cities all over the world. Our objective is to provide impartial advice, source quality people and successfully market quality opportunities within the hospitality industry, whilst establishing ourselves as a well respected and recognized organization both throughout the region and internationally. We strive to work closely and openly with those that we represent, ensuring that we deliver a professional, effective and honest service. Being a small business we pride ourselves on our friendly and personal approach as well as an in-depth understanding of the industry as provided by the team here at Visionx World, from their own personal experience within the field of Maritime Training and recruitment.

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