VM Marine International Limited

VM Marine International Limited
VM Marine International Limited is a privately owned Co[…]
Company details

VM Marine International Limited is a privately owned Company providing offshore support vessels and integrated marine solutions in the offshore oil and gas industry.----The company has been offering services to Premier Clients involved in the Oil & Gas Exploration and Production programme in the Middle East, Asia Pacific, and Africa energy market. We are ideally placed to offer a competitive single source for all your chartering requirements, for any part of the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Africa. The company owns and operates Anchor Handling Supply vessels ranging 55 to 110 MT Bollard pull to a wide range of customers operating across all phases of the Offshore Oil and Gas cycle, Exploration, Development and Production.----Background & Evolution--VM Marine was incorporated in 2007 with a vision to be the leading provider of marine support services to Offshore Exploration & Production, Marine Construction and Port / Terminal activities.----Since inception the firm has grown from being a Chartering Company to a vessel owner within 2 years. Currently the company owns & operates 15 offshore vessels including Tow Tugs, AHT & DP2 PSV/ AHTS vessels.----Vision Statement--To become the leading service provider of safe and economic marine services to all stakeholders.----Mission Statement--Our mission is to be a world class offshore service vessel provider to our clients, employees and investors. We aim to achieve operational excellence through safe and environmental friendly execution and ensure customer satisfaction.----Our Values:--We strive for excellence and are deeply committed to----Prevention of Air and Marine Pollution--Safety of Men and Material--Client satisfaction by providing Integrated Marine Solutions----The Management--VM Marine management comprises of experienced Master Mariners and Marine Engineers with substantial experience in ship operations & management. In addition we have Qualified Chartered Accountants and office personnel in support functions with in depth experience in administration.We are under the stewardship of an experienced and competent management team.----Our success in the offshore oil and gas support services industry is led and supported by our pool of experienced and dedicated management.

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+971 6 7499330
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