Wire Cloth Manufacturers

Wire Cloth Manufacturers
WIRE CLOTH MANufacturers Inc. has been in business for […]
Company details

WIRE CLOTH MANufacturers Inc. has been in business for over forty years. Our four locations in the United States are geographically placed to offer our customers shorter lead times, reduced freight rates, and better service. Our facilities are primarily stocked with stainless steel wire mesh, galvanized woven wire mesh, and galvanized welded wire mesh. We also inventory many other alloys, including some exotic alloys.--Our fine mesh and micronic filter cloth are woven by our partnered weaving facilities from around the world. Our fine mesh is woven on the best equipment available in our industry to insure superior quality and consistency our customers deserve. Both fine mesh and micronic filter cloth can be woven in many types of weaves, intermediate crimp, lock crimp, or other crimp methods required. Course mesh can also be manufactured in many welded mesh specifications.--Our fabricating facilities consist of automated machinery, precision slitting , rolling, forming, cutting, welding, calendaring, and stamping. We also provide degreased, annealed, powder coated, teflon coated, and other required conversion services.--Our commercial mesh department specializes in hardware cloth, galvanized welded wire mesh, hex netting (chicken wire) and vinyl coated welded wire cloth.WIRE CLOTH MANufacturers Inc. carries a large inventory and variety of commercial mesh. This material can be ready to ship within 24 hours in small quantity, LTL shipments, and full truckloads.

Website Address
Phone Number
(973) 328-1000
Mobile Number
110 Iron Mountain Rd.