Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
For nearly a century, WHOI has been one of the best kno[…]
Company details

For nearly a century, WHOI has been one of the best known and most trusted names in ocean science and exploration. Our scientists and engineers have played a part in many of the discoveries that form the modern understanding of the ocean and how it interacts with other parts of the planet, including human society.----WHOI scientists and engineers combine access to specialized tools, ships, labs, and underwater vehicles with hard-won knowledge of how to explore the ocean to create a detailed understanding of the global ocean system. WHOI also fosters a long-standing commitment to education and outreach that help ensure the future of ocean research.----Why study the ocean? Because no matter how far from the ocean you are, you feel its presence every day. The ocean covers more than two-thirds of Earth’s surface. It governs our climate, produces half our oxygen, and provides economic value beyond measure. It is the reason why life exists on Earth—and why we take it so seriously.----The Human Resources Office is located in Nobska House on the Village Campus, and our operating hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Human Resources Office is made up of a group of HR professionals who can assist you with a broad range of personal and employment-related issues. We are here to help you with interpreting WHOI policies, understanding your benefits, complying with state and federal labor laws, providing guidance in immigration matters, and much, much more!

Website Address
Email Address
Phone Number
(508) 289-2253; (508) 457-2173; (508) 289-2253; +1 508 289 2704
Nobska House MS #15 Woods Hole, MA 02543