Xltec Recruitment

Xltec Recruitment
Xltec Recruitment has been created with the aim of offe[…]
Company details

Xltec Recruitment has been created with the aim of offering both employers and candidates a service that provides value for money and a successful outcome.----Xltec recruitment have several divisions including Oil and Gas, Offshore Services, Engineering and Marine.----We employ experienced consultants who have been successfully recruiting in their specialist sectors for years.----We cover many different positions within the industry, including On and Offshore Drilling Operations, Workover Rigs, Engineering, Projects, FPSOs, Construction, Offshore Services, Marine/Maritime, Refineries and Production. We provide only the best possible candidates to the main players in the market, and our reputation for quality is well deserved.----We have successfully led and managed recruitment campaigns for a wide range of consultancies, service contractors, operators, drilling contractors and major design & build organizations. We have established ourselves as the consultancy of choice with many of these companies, whether for large scale, retained or contingent recruitment.

Phone Number
Mobile Number
Xltec Recruitment, 5th Floor, 14 Mitchell Lane, G1 3NU