Z & G Halcoussis Co Ltd.

Z & G Halcoussis Co Ltd.
Z. & G. Halcoussis Co. Ltd. is a ship management compan[…]
Company details

Z. & G. Halcoussis Co. Ltd. is a ship management company registered in Monrovia, Liberia, operating in Greece under law 89/1967, with its offices based in Pireaus for more than half a century that manages a fleet of dry bulk carriers. All vessels fly the Greek flag.--Our managed vessels carry a variety of drybulk commodities, including coal, iron ore, grains, fertilizers, steel products and all major and minor bulks.--The Company and managed vessels are ISM certified since 1997 and ISPS certified.--Our managed vessel “Annita” is awarded by the US Coast Guard with the prestigious “Qualship 21” certificate, emphasising the company’s commitment to safety management and our vessels high standard of maintenance and professional manning.--Z. & G. Halcoussis Co. Ltd. and/or their managed vessels are members of the Baltic & International Maritime Council (BIMCO), Intercargo, HELMEPA, the Union of Greek Shipowners and the Greek Chamber of Shipping.----The Company was established in 1964 by George Halcoussis and the late Zannis Halcoussis when they both came to Greece after leaving their birthplace Alexandria. At the time of its foundation, the company managed two tween-deck vessels.--The policy of the Company was to manage good quality second hand tonnage, with the aim of keeping and trading the vessels throughout their viable life span, without asset play being the primary concern.--In 2002 the Company principals for the first time entered the newbuilding market, ordering two supramax double skin bulk carriers at New Century Shipbuilding in China. Both vessels were delivered in the first half of 2005 and are successfully trading worldwide, under the company’s management down to date.--Since the Company’s foundation in 1964, our aim has been to specialize in the dry bulk sector with a fleet of well maintained and properly managed vessels, aiming above the industry’s standards and be able to keep the family’s principles and foundations, with a continuous modernization and update of current proceedings.--The strategy of Z. & G. Halcoussis Co. Ltd. has always been to trade our managed vessels at any port worldwide and alternate between spot and time charter employment depending on the market conditions prevailing at the time.--The Company’s intention has always been to build and maintain long lasting relationships with the industry’s leading and most reputable Banks, Charterers, Insurers, Suppliers, Classification Societies and other companies and organisations/institutions.--With an experience of almost half a century in the shipping industry, the Company can guarantee a high standard of performance and reliable service and carriage of cargoes, with efficient tackling of all risks exposed to in our every day operations.--The third generation has now entered the Company.

Website Address
Phone Number
+30 210 4225060
Mobile Number
5 Akti Miaouli 185 35 Piraeus Greece