Tidak perlu memperpanjang Yellow fever lagi ?

Tidak perlu memperpanjang Yellow fever
Tidak perlu memperpanjang Yellow fever

Bagi beberapa negara ataupun perusahaan internasional memiliki persyaratan memiliki yellow fever untuk mengunjungi negara tersebut. Untuk itu marilah kita membahas Yellow fever.

Dimana buat yellow fever?

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Kita dapat membuat sertifikat yellow fever di KKP (Kantor kesehatan pelabuhan) terdekat. Anda dapat mengetahui lebih jelas dengan cara membaca >> tempat membuat yellow fever


Berapa tahun masa berlaku yellow fever?

yellow fever contoh
yellow fever contoh

Sebelumnya masa berlaku sertifikat yellow fever itu 10 tahun. Akan tetapi sekarang sudah menjadi lifetime atau seumur hidup. Nanti akan kita bahas panjang lebar!

Perlukah memperpanjang yellow fever?

Beberapa waktu yang lalu WHO memperbaharui peraturannya mengenai sertifikat yellow fever, bahkan mereka menyediakan Q & A (questions and answer) tentang permasalahan yellow fever ini.

Berdasarkan Q & A situs resmi WHO “Currently valid IHR international certificates of vaccination continue to be valid – now for the life of the traveller indicated. ” yang berarti sertifikat yellow fever yang dipunyai lanjut valid sampai seumur hidup.

Apakah sertifikat yellow fever perlu diubah atau dimodifikasi untuk menunjukan sertifikat berlaku seumur hidup?

yellow fever contoh lifetime
yellow fever contoh lifetime

No. Nothing need or should be modified in the certificate; indeed under the IHR any changes, deletions, erasures or additions may cause a certificate to be rendered invalid. (See IHR, Annex 6(6).)

Yang berarti tidak perlu ada modifikasi terhadap sertifikat yellow fever. Bahkan bila ditemukan modifikasi ilegal akan membuat sertifikat tidak berlaku lagi!

Kesimpulannya Sertifikat yang sudah ada akan berlaku seumur hidup. Akan tetapi semua kembali lagi ke peraturan masing-masing negara, perusahaan, ataupun saran dari dokter apakah kita memerlukan suntik kembali atau tidak.

Bagi Anda yang ingin melihat lengkap Q & A nya dapat melihat di bawah ini. Namun bagi Anda yang belum puas dan ingin mengetahui lebih detail lagi silahkan menuju situs resmi WHO

Questions and answers on specific issues:

  1. Do travellers need to obtain new IHR certificates of vaccination against yellow fever?

No. Currently valid IHR international certificates of vaccination continue to be valid – now for the life of the traveller indicated.

The IHR (2005), in Annexes 6 and 7,  provide specific requirements for both the  content and format of the certificates of vaccination against yellow fever. The required format for these certificates includes a space to enter an expiry date where applicable. (See below) Based upon the prior ten-year IHR requirement for validity, existing certificates usually include a date ten years after prior    vaccination. Due to the amendment to Annex 7, regardless of any such dates of vaccination or of validity on existing certificates, they are now automatically valid for life.

2.      Do existing certificates of vaccination need to be changed or modified to show they are valid for life?

No. Nothing need or should be modified in the certificate; indeed under the IHR any changes, deletions, erasures or additions may cause a certificate to be rendered invalid. (See IHR, Annex 6(6).)

3.      On new certificates, what term should be entered in the space on the certificate (see above) indicating the period of  validity?

While the IHR do not specify the exact words to include on the certificate to indicate lifetime validity of the certificate, WHO encourages countries to use words which clearly and unambiguously indicate that the validity of the certificate is for life of the person vaccinated. In this context, in order to avoid potential confusion and  interruption of international travel, WHO suggests using the same terminology in the certificate as adopted in the revised text of Annex 7 which clearly states that the certificates are valid for life. In accordance with the IHR requirement that these certificates be completed in English or French (and may also be completed in another language in addition to English or French), please note that the terminology used in   the revised Annex 7 is as  follows:

English:   “life of person vaccinated”

French:  “vie entière du sujet  vacciné”

4.      Does this amendment to the IHR (2005) affect what measures States Parties can implement for the protection of their own populations or what doctors may advise their patients concerning vaccination against yellow fever, including potential boosters?

No. The amendment only affects what countries may require of international travellers as a condition of entry in terms of vaccination against yellow fever and related IHR international certificates of vaccination.   Countries and health  care providers continue to be free to make requirements on vaccination, revaccination or boosters for their own populations, or patients,   respectively.4

5.      What steps should States Parties take to prepare for implementation of the new certificate requirements on 11 July 2016 when they become legally required?

  • Inform all relevant authorities, offices and personnel

  • Train personnel responsible for review, processing and acceptance of international certificates of vaccination against yellow fever to ensure they can carry out their functions fully on that date

  • Review and update as necessary all laws, regulations, operating rules or procedures or other requirements concerning review, processing and acceptance of international certificates of vaccination against yellow fever to ensure they are consistent with the new

Itulah pembahasan tentang Yellow fever. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang berkepentingan!

Best regards,
